Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Heading to Washington DC

Last Saturday Morning (April 14th, 1 am) Siobhan and I headed out to the big city! Washington DC that is! :) Siobhan and I-well mostly Siobhan-were chosen to represent Utah at the Arthritis Advocacy Summit. While there, were tasked with talking with Congressmen and Senators about various legislation that is relevant to Arthritis Patients. I'll get more into that later. But for now here is the first part of the trip!
This is Siobhan and I on the airplane leaving SLC. Our flight left at 1 am and headed for Atlanta for out lay over. Siobhan decided that she was going to be brave and not be scared when the plane took off. Also, the tooth fairy payed us a visit while we were on the plane! Siobhan lost a tooth on Friday afternoon so the tooth fairy had to come while we were flying! It was great incentive to get Siobhan to sleep. Right before we took off, I was so tired, so I told Siobhan, 'I don't care what you do as long as you're quiet and stay in you seat, but I'm going to sleep. Before I knew it, she was sleep on my shoulder!

After our layover in Atlanta, which was not very long, we hopped on the plane for the final leg of the journey. She was so excited to have a window seat! And boy was this girl tired! After sleeping for two hours before we took off for the first flight, sleeping through the entire first flight, I wasn't sure she was going to sleep on this flight. But boy, that girl was sleep with her head in my lap before we even took off!

Once we got into Reagan, we were HUNGRY! Good thing there was a McDonalds right at our gate! so we stopped for a quick breakfast before we got our baggage. You can tell from the picture that Siobhan was very excited! I hear that Uncle Joe gets a similar look on his face when he gets his McDonalds breakfast! LOL!

We were worried that since we got in so early, like 9 am, there would be no rooms ready at our hotel. So we planned that we would check the suitcase with the bell hop and go do some sight seeing. But we were lucky because our room was ready to go as soon as we got there! So we got all checked in and changed clothes and headed out get me a swimsuit. I found the nearest Target but we walked for an hour before we found it. My navigation skills are completely lost outside of Utah.

We finally made our way to a mall in Pentagon City and found me a swimsuit. We made our way back to Arlington for some fun in the pool. After an afternoon of swimming, we decided to head down town to DC for some dinner. We hopped on the metro train and headed to the Hard Rock Cafe. After some walking around, attempting to navigate the city, a small brush with the white house and making our way through the crowd at the Cherry Festival, we finally found the HRC! And there was a 45 minute wait. So we put our name in and went to go buy some souvenirs. Got into dinner where Siobhan promptly fell asleep! Who falls asleep at the Hard Rock! Such a cutie!!! On the train ride home, we both fell asleep. Thank goodness we (I) woke up before our stop! The great part was that our stop was right under our hotel! How cool is that? The subway system in DC is awesome! Needless to say, we were exhausted when we got into bed! The next day we planned our sight seeing adventures....

 To Be Continued!

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I'm a NYC mom who stumbled upon your blog after my 6 year old daughter, Zoe, was diagnosed with JRA just a few weeks after Siobhan. Zoe's symptoms are under control at the moment and we thank our lucky stars every day. Just wanted to say hi and tell you I check in every so often rooting for your beautiful girl and feel your support even though we've never met. Keep on kicking butt, Siobhan and Zoe!
    Jill (jillianapplebaum@yahoo.com)
