Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Shots and Ear Piercing...

Siobhan has been getting her methotrexate shot for almost 6 weeks now. As her reward, we told her that she can get her ears pierced. We've never been opposed to her getting her ears pierced, we just never thought it was the right time. But we thought that if she can handle getting a shot on a regular basis, she can handle getting her ears pierced.

Well, this Friday will be number 6 which means it's time! I think we're going to do it when we're in Portland next week and see if some of the cousins want to come. Here's the problem. I'm nervous about where to go to have it done. I was going to go to claires, but then I read some things online where people had some horror stories. I've been told by a lot of people not to go to the piercing pagoda so I think I've ruled that one out. And believe it or not, I've even thought of taking her to a tattoo/piercing parlor because I've heard that they are super clean. And did you know that some pediatricians do it too?

So here's my question, what is the general consensus of where to get it done? Should I just stick with Claire's or does anyone have any other recommendations?

1 comment:

  1. I had Brecken's ears pierced at that children's hair salon in Highland's Ranch, Lollilocks. I thought they did a great job. Maybe there's a children's salon near you guys that does piercing, too?
