Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ear Infections...

No, Siobhan does not have an ear infection. She has been listening to us talk about her joint injections and since she doesn't understand what they are, the closest thing that her brain could come up with is ear infections. Isn't that funny! Anyway, we're going to Primary Children's Hospital in the early AM so we can have her left knee and right ankle injected with steroids. Yay! We're hoping that it's going to be a one time thing. Dr. I is confident that it will be a good thing, but we won't know how often she'll need the injections until she's had this one and we've seen how she's handled it.

Carson gave her a wonderful blessing this evening and we're confident that we have the Lord on our side. Please pray for us and Siobhan and all those involved. I'm going to take the computer with us to the hospital and I hope to update the blog while we're waiting.

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