Saturday, August 27, 2011

Beautiful Eyes Are Still Beautiful...

*Yeah, I've been MIA...Mr. Will shoved something into our DVD drive and it messed with somethings so I haven't been on the computer for a while. But we have a temporary fix and now I'm back on! Woo Hoo!*

Anywho, onto the big news, on Monday (Aug 22) we had another appointment with Dr. P the opthamologist. If you don't remember, one of the issues associated with JIA is Uveitis which has no symptoms so frequent trips to the eye doctor are necessary to make sure that there is no inflammation.

At our last appointment, the doctor was unsure about Siobhan's ANA results so we were put on a three month visitation schedule. (We did find out in the interim that Siobhan's ANA was negative which is VERY exciting!!!!) At the Doctor's appointment, everything went very well and everything in Siobhan's beautiful eyes is perfect! We are so happy and now we don't have to go back for six months....which means yea!

In other JIA news, Siobhan seems to be responding well to the steroid injections. We're going to the doctor in about 10 days for a follow-up. I think we're going to have some good news!

Siobhan during an impromptu fashion show wearing Nama Nadene's old-school, vintage dress

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