Friday, June 10, 2011

Fun Fact Friday...

When we started this blog, the main reason was to have broad outlet where family and friends can come and find out how Siobhan is going. But in the short time since Siobhan was diagnosed, the thing that I keep hearing is, 'I didn't know kids can get arthritis!' In truth, I knew that it was possible, but I had no idea how frequent it happens, who it can happen to or how bad it effects children who are diagnosed with it. So my knowledge was significantly inadequate.

That all being said, I thought that it might be interesting to post some facts about Juvenile Arhtritis. There's a lot about this disease that I've been finding out along the way and a lot more for me to learn. but I think that it would be a good thing for other people to learn too. So welcome to the very first

Fun Fact Friday!

If you're reading this blog, you already know that, in fact, kids get arthritis too! But what you may not know is that it's actually the most common childhood disease with around 300,000 children diagnosed.* According to our doctor, it's more common than the other childhood diseases that we hear about a lot including Juvenile Diabetes (although there's not a huge statistical difference between the two).

Given the fact that it's so common, I find it very interesting that so many people don't know that it's possible. It seems like the only people that know what I'm talking about are people who know someone who has it, people who just have a vast knowledge of medical stuff, or people who watch 'House'. But if you didn't know before, you know now!

*Information found here.

Someone you may know who has Juvenile Arhtritis. Isn't she cute!?!

Siobhan getting ready to head for Hawaiian Day at school!

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